Chapter 23 - Ordinal Predicted Variable

In [1]:
# %load std_ipython_import.txt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pymc3 as pm
import theano.tensor as tt
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)

from theano.compile.ops import as_op
from scipy.stats import norm
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from IPython.display import Image

%matplotlib inline'seaborn-white')

color = '#87ceeb'

f_dict = {'size':14}

In [2]:
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -p pandas,numpy,pymc3,theano,matplotlib,seaborn,scipy

pandas 0.23.4
numpy 1.15.1
pymc3 3.5
theano 1.0.2
matplotlib 2.2.3
seaborn 0.9.0
scipy 1.1.0


In [3]:
# Using dtype 'category' for Y
df = pd.read_csv('data/OrdinalProbitData-1grp-1.csv', dtype={'Y':'category'})

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Data columns (total 1 columns):
Y    100 non-null category
dtypes: category(1)
memory usage: 236.0 bytes

In [4]:

1    58
2    15
3    12
4     8
5     4
6     2
7     1
Name: Y, dtype: int64

In [5]:
# Number of outcomes
nYlevels =

thresh = np.arange(1.5, nYlevels, dtype=np.float32)
thresh_obs =
thresh_obs[1:-1] =


thresh:		[1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5]
thresh_obs:	[1.5 -- -- -- -- 6.5]


In [6]:
# Using the Theano @as_op decorator with a custom function to calculate the threshold probabilities.
# Theano cannot compute a gradient for these custom functions, so it is not possible to use
# gradient based samplers in PyMC3.
@as_op(itypes=[tt.fvector, tt.fscalar, tt.fscalar], otypes=[tt.fvector])
def outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma):
    out = np.empty(nYlevels, dtype=np.float32)
    n = norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)       
    out[0] = n.cdf(theta[0])        
    out[1] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[1]) - n.cdf(theta[0])])
    out[2] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[2]) - n.cdf(theta[1])])
    out[3] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[3]) - n.cdf(theta[2])])
    out[4] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[4]) - n.cdf(theta[3])])
    out[5] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[5]) - n.cdf(theta[4])])
    out[6] = 1 - n.cdf(theta[5])
    return out

with pm.Model() as ordinal_model_single:    
    theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu=thresh, tau=np.repeat(.5**2, len(thresh)),
                      shape=len(thresh), observed=thresh_obs)
    mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=nYlevels/2.0, tau=1.0/(nYlevels**2))
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', nYlevels/1000.0, nYlevels*10.0)
    pr = outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma)
    y = pm.Categorical('y', pr,

%3 cluster4 4 cluster6 6 cluster100 100 theta_missing theta_missing ~ NoDistribution theta theta ~ Normal theta_missing->theta y y ~ Categorical theta_missing->y sigma sigma ~ Uniform sigma->y mu mu ~ Normal mu->y

In [7]:
with ordinal_model_single:
    trace1 = pm.sample(3000, cores=4)

Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Initializing NUTS failed. Falling back to elementwise auto-assignment.
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
>Slice: [sigma]
>Slice: [mu]
>Slice: [theta_missing]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 14000/14000 [03:38<00:00, 64.07draws/s]
The number of effective samples is smaller than 25% for some parameters.

In [8]:

Figure 23.2

In [9]:
mu = trace1['mu']
sigma = trace1['sigma']

# Concatenate the fixed thresholds into the estimated thresholds
n = trace1['theta_missing'].shape[0]
thresholds = np.c_[np.tile([1.5], (n,1)),
                   np.tile([6.5], (n,1))]

# Define gridspec
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1])
ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[2,0])

# Mu
pm.plot_posterior(mu, point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax1)
ax1.set_title('Mean', fontdict=f_dict)
ax1.set_xlabel('$\mu$', fontdict=f_dict)

# Posterior predictive probabilities of the outcomes
threshCumProb = np.empty(thresholds.shape)
for i in np.arange(threshCumProb.shape[0]):
    threshCumProb[i] = norm().cdf((thresholds[i] - mu[i])/sigma[i])    
outProb = (np.c_[threshCumProb, np.tile(1, (thresholds.shape[0],1))]
           - np.c_[np.tile(0, (thresholds.shape[0],1)), threshCumProb])
yerr = np.abs(np.subtract(pm.hpd(outProb), outProb.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1,1)))

(df.Y.value_counts()/df.Y.size), rot=0, color='royalblue')
ax2.errorbar(x = np.arange(df.Y.nunique()), y=outProb.mean(axis=0),
             yerr=yerr.T, color=color, fmt='o')
sns.despine(ax=ax2, left=True)
ax2.set_title('Data w. Post. Pred.\n N={}'.format(df.Y.size), fontdict=f_dict)

# Sigma
pm.plot_posterior(sigma, point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax3)
ax3.set_title('Std. Dev.', fontdict=f_dict)
ax3.set_xlabel('$\sigma$', fontdict=f_dict)

# Effect size
pm.plot_posterior((mu-2)/sigma,point_estimate='mode',  color=color, ax=ax4)
ax4.set_title('Effect Size', fontdict=f_dict)
ax4.set_xlabel('$(\mu-2)/\sigma$', fontdict=f_dict)

# Posterior distribution on the thresholds
ax5.scatter(thresholds, np.tile(thresholds.mean(axis=1).reshape(-1,1), (1,6)), color=color, alpha=.6, facecolor='none')
ax5.set_ylabel('Mean Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax5.set_xlabel('Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax5.vlines(x = thresholds.mean(axis=0),
           ymax=thresholds.mean(axis=1).max(), linestyles='dotted', colors=color)


23.3 - The Case of Two Groups


In [10]:
# Using dtype 'category' for X & Y
df2 = pd.read_csv('data/OrdinalProbitData1.csv', dtype={'X':'category','Y':'category'})

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 88 entries, 0 to 87
Data columns (total 2 columns):
X    88 non-null category
Y    88 non-null category
dtypes: category(2)
memory usage: 312.0 bytes

In [11]:
sns.countplot(x=df2.Y, hue=df2.X);

In [12]:
# Number of outcomes
nYlevels2 =
# Number of groups
n_grps = df2.X.nunique()
# Group index
grp_idx =

thresh2 = np.arange(1.5, nYlevels2, dtype=np.float32)
thresh_obs2 =
thresh_obs2[1:-1] =


thresh2:	[1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5]
thresh_obs2:	[1.5 -- -- 4.5]


In [13]:
@as_op(itypes=[tt.fvector, tt.fvector, tt.fvector], otypes=[tt.fmatrix])
def outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma):
    out = np.empty((nYlevels2, n_grps), dtype=np.float32)
    n = norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)       
    out[0,:] = n.cdf(theta[0])        
    out[1,:] = np.max([[0,0], n.cdf(theta[1]) - n.cdf(theta[0])], axis=0)
    out[2,:] = np.max([[0,0], n.cdf(theta[2]) - n.cdf(theta[1])], axis=0)
    out[3,:] = np.max([[0,0], n.cdf(theta[3]) - n.cdf(theta[2])], axis=0)
    out[4,:] = 1 - n.cdf(theta[3])
    return out

with pm.Model() as ordinal_model_multi_groups:    
    theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu=thresh2, tau=np.repeat(.5**2, len(thresh2)),
                      shape=len(thresh2), observed=thresh_obs2)
    mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=nYlevels2/2.0, tau=1.0/(nYlevels2**2), shape=n_grps)
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', nYlevels2/1000.0, nYlevels2*10.0, shape=n_grps)
    pr = outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma)
    y = pm.Categorical('y', pr[:,grp_idx].T,


%3 cluster2 2 cluster4 4 cluster88 88 sigma sigma ~ Uniform y y ~ Categorical sigma->y theta_missing theta_missing ~ NoDistribution theta theta ~ Normal theta_missing->theta theta_missing->y mu mu ~ Normal mu->y

In [14]:
with ordinal_model_multi_groups:
    trace2 = pm.sample(3000, cores=4)

Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Initializing NUTS failed. Falling back to elementwise auto-assignment.
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
>Slice: [sigma]
>Slice: [mu]
>Slice: [theta_missing]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 14000/14000 [02:38<00:00, 88.52draws/s]
The number of effective samples is smaller than 25% for some parameters.

In [15]:

Figure 23.4

In [16]:
mu2 = trace2['mu']
sigma2 = trace2['sigma']

# Concatenate the fixed thresholds into the estimated thresholds
n = trace2['theta_missing'].shape[0]
thresholds2 = np.c_[np.tile([1.5], (n,1)),
                    np.tile([4.5], (n,1))]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(5,2, figsize=(10,14))
ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4,ax5,ax6,ax7,ax8,ax9,ax10 = axes.flatten() 

# Mu
pm.plot_posterior(mu2[:,0], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax1)
ax1.set_xlabel('$\mu_{1}$', fontdict=f_dict)
pm.plot_posterior(mu2[:,1], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax3)
ax3.set_xlabel('$\mu_{2}$', fontdict=f_dict)
for title, ax in zip(['A Mean', 'B Mean'], [ax1, ax3]):
    ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict)

# Sigma
pm.plot_posterior(sigma2[:,0], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax5)
ax5.set_xlabel('$\sigma_{1}$', fontdict=f_dict)
pm.plot_posterior(sigma2[:,1], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax7)
ax7.set_xlabel('$\sigma_{2}$', fontdict=f_dict)
for title, ax in zip(['A Std. Dev.', 'B Std. Dev.'], [ax5, ax7]):
    ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict)

# Posterior distribution on the thresholds
ax9.scatter(thresholds2, np.tile(thresholds2.mean(axis=1).reshape(-1,1), (1,4)), color=color, alpha=.6, facecolor='none')
ax9.set_ylabel('Mean Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax9.set_xlabel('Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax9.vlines(x = thresholds2.mean(axis=0),
           ymax=thresholds2.mean(axis=1).max(), linestyles='dotted', colors=color)

# Posterior predictive probabilities of the outcomes
threshCumProb2A = np.empty(thresholds2.shape)
for i in np.arange(threshCumProb2A.shape[0]):
    threshCumProb2A[i] = norm().cdf((thresholds2[i] - mu2[i,0])/sigma2[i,0])    
outProb2A = (np.c_[threshCumProb2A, np.tile(1, (thresholds2.shape[0],1))]
           - np.c_[np.tile(0, (thresholds2.shape[0],1)), threshCumProb2A])
yerr2A = np.abs(np.subtract(pm.hpd(outProb2A), outProb2A.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1,1)))

ax2.errorbar(x = np.arange(outProb2A.shape[1]), y=outProb2A.mean(axis=0),
             yerr=yerr2A.T, color=color, fmt='o')

threshCumProb2B = np.empty(thresholds2.shape)
for i in np.arange(threshCumProb2B.shape[0]):
    threshCumProb2B[i] = norm().cdf((thresholds2[i] - mu2[i,1])/sigma2[i,1])    
outProb2B = (np.c_[threshCumProb2B, np.tile(1, (thresholds2.shape[0],1))]
           - np.c_[np.tile(0, (thresholds2.shape[0],1)), threshCumProb2B])
yerr2B = np.abs(np.subtract(pm.hpd(outProb2B), outProb2B.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1,1)))

ax4.errorbar(x = np.arange(outProb2B.shape[1]), y=outProb2B.mean(axis=0),
             yerr=yerr2B.T, color=color, fmt='o')

for grp, ax in zip(['A', 'B'], [ax2, ax4]):
    ((df2[df2.X == grp].Y.value_counts()/df2[df2.X == grp].Y.size), rot=0, color='royalblue'))
    ax.set_title('Data for {0} with Post. Pred.\nN = {1}'.format(grp, df2[df2.X == grp].Y.size), fontdict=f_dict)
    sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True)

# Mu diff
pm.plot_posterior(mu2[:,1]-mu2[:,0], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax6)
ax6.set_xlabel('$\mu_{2}-\mu_{1}$', fontdict=f_dict)
# Sigma diff
pm.plot_posterior(sigma2[:,1]-sigma2[:,0], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax8)
ax8.set_xlabel('$\sigma_{2}-\sigma_{1}$', fontdict=f_dict)
# Effect size
pm.plot_posterior((mu2[:,1]-mu2[:,0]) / np.sqrt((sigma2[:,0]**2+sigma2[:,1]**2)/2), point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax10)
ax10.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{(\mu_2-\mu_1)}{\sqrt{(\sigma_1^2+\sigma_2^2)/2}}$', fontdict=f_dict)
for title, ax in zip(['Differences of Means', 'Difference of Std. Dev\'s', 'Effect Size'], [ax6, ax8, ax10]):
    ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict)


23.4 - The Case of Metric Predictors

One Predictor


In [17]:
df3 = pd.read_csv('data/OrdinalProbitData-LinReg-2.csv', dtype={'Y':'category'})

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 200 entries, 0 to 199
Data columns (total 2 columns):
X    200 non-null float64
Y    200 non-null category
dtypes: category(1), float64(1)
memory usage: 2.2 KB

In [18]:

0 1.386389 1
1 1.223879 1
2 1.454505 5
3 1.112068 5
4 1.222715 1

Standardize data

In [19]:
sd_X = df3.X.std()
mean_X = df3.X.mean()
zX = (df3.X - mean_X)/sd_X

In [20]:
nYlevels3 = df3.Y.nunique()

thresh3 = np.arange(1.5, nYlevels3, dtype=np.float32)
thresh_obs3 =
thresh_obs3[1:-1] =


thresh3:	[1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5]
thresh_obs3:	[1.5 -- -- -- -- 6.5]


Not generalized for multiple metric predictors.

In [21]:
@as_op(itypes=[tt.fvector, tt.fvector, tt.fscalar], otypes=[tt.fmatrix])
def outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma):
    out = np.empty((mu.size, nYlevels3), dtype=np.float32)
    n = norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)       
    out[:,0] = n.cdf(theta[0])        
    out[:,1] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[1]) - n.cdf(theta[0])], axis=0)
    out[:,2] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[2]) - n.cdf(theta[1])], axis=0)
    out[:,3] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[3]) - n.cdf(theta[2])], axis=0)
    out[:,4] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[4]) - n.cdf(theta[3])], axis=0)
    out[:,5] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[5]) - n.cdf(theta[4])], axis=0)
    out[:,6] = 1 - n.cdf(theta[5])
    return out

with pm.Model() as ordinal_model_metric:    
    theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu=thresh3, tau=np.repeat(1/2**2, len(thresh3)),
                      shape=len(thresh3), observed=thresh_obs3)
    zbeta0 = pm.Normal('zbeta0', mu=(1+nYlevels3)/2, tau=1/nYlevels3**2)
    zbeta = pm.Normal('zbeta', mu=0.0, tau=1/nYlevels3**2)
    mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', zbeta0 + zbeta*zX.astype('float32'))
    zsigma = pm.Uniform('zsigma', nYlevels3/1000.0, nYlevels3*10.0)
    pr = outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, zsigma)
    y = pm.Categorical('y', pr,

%3 cluster4 4 cluster6 6 cluster200 200 theta_missing theta_missing ~ NoDistribution theta theta ~ Normal theta_missing->theta y y ~ Categorical theta_missing->y zbeta zbeta ~ Normal mu mu ~ Deterministic zbeta->mu zbeta0 zbeta0 ~ Normal zbeta0->mu zsigma zsigma ~ Uniform zsigma->y mu->y

In [22]:
with ordinal_model_metric:
    trace3 = pm.sample(3000, cores=4)

Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Initializing NUTS failed. Falling back to elementwise auto-assignment.
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
>Slice: [zsigma]
>Slice: [zbeta]
>Slice: [zbeta0]
>Slice: [theta_missing]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 14000/14000 [06:35<00:00, 35.43draws/s]
The number of effective samples is smaller than 25% for some parameters.

In [23]:

Figure 23.7

In [24]:
# Convert parameters to original scale
beta = trace3['zbeta']/sd_X
beta0 = trace3['zbeta0'] - trace3['zbeta']*mean_X/sd_X
sigma = trace3['zsigma']

# Concatenate the fixed thresholds into the estimated thresholds
n = trace3['theta_missing'].shape[0]
thresholds3 = np.c_[np.tile([1.5], (n,1)),
                   np.tile([6.5], (n,1))]

# Define gridspec
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 3)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[:2,:])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[2,0])
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2,1])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[2,2])
ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[3,:])

# Scatterplot
ax1.scatter(df3.X, df3.Y, edgecolors='k', lw=2, facecolor='none')
# Samples of regression lines
x_range = np.linspace(df3.X.min(), df3.X.max())
B = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[beta0, beta], columns=['beta0', 'beta']).sample(20)
for i in np.arange(len(B)):
    ax1.plot(x_range, B.iloc[i,0]+B.iloc[i,1]*x_range, c=color, alpha=0.5)    

# Draw the posterior (mean) predicted probability at 5 selected values of the predictor. 
# Not stepping through the chain in order to calculate the HDI.
for v in np.linspace(df3.X.min(), df3.X.max(), 5):
    ax1.axvline(x=v, color='grey', alpha=.5)
    mu = beta0.mean()+beta.mean()*v
    threshCumProb3 = norm().cdf((np.mean(thresholds3, axis=0) - mu)/sigma.mean())    
    outProb3 = np.diff(np.r_[0, threshCumProb3, 1])
    for i, p in enumerate(outProb3):
        ax1.add_patch(Rectangle(xy=(v-p/10, i+0.75), width=p/10, height=0.75, color=color, alpha=.5))

pm.plot_posterior(beta0, point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax2)
pm.plot_posterior(beta, point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax3)
pm.plot_posterior(sigma, point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax4);
for title, label, ax in zip(['Intercept', 'X', 'Std. Dev.'],
                            [r'$\beta_{0}$', r'$\beta_{1}$', r'$\sigma$'],
                            [ax2, ax3, ax4]):
    ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict)
    ax.set_xlabel(label, fontdict=f_dict)
# Posterior distribution on the thresholds
ax5.scatter(thresholds3, np.tile(thresholds3.mean(axis=1).reshape(-1,1), (1,6)), color=color, alpha=.6, facecolor='none')
ax5.set_ylabel('Mean Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax5.set_xlabel('Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax5.vlines(x = thresholds3.mean(axis=0),
           ymax=thresholds3.mean(axis=1).max(), linestyles='dotted', colors=color)

Two Predictors


In [25]:
df4 = pd.read_csv('data/Movies.csv', usecols=[1,2,4], dtype={'Rating':'category'})

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Data columns (total 3 columns):
Year      100 non-null int64
Length    100 non-null int64
Rating    100 non-null category
dtypes: category(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 2.1 KB

In [26]:

Year Length Rating
0 1963 89 2
1 1943 127 3
2 1984 138 3
3 1978 97 3
4 1931 77 2.5

In [27]:
X = df4[['Year','Length']]
Y = df4.Rating

In [28]:
sd_X = X.std()
mean_X = X.mean()
zX = (X - mean_X)/sd_X

In [29]:
nYlevels4 = Y.nunique()

thresh4 = np.arange(1.5, nYlevels4, dtype=np.float32)
thresh_obs4 =
thresh_obs4[1:-1] =


thresh4:	[1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5]
thresh_obs4:	[1.5 -- -- -- -- 6.5]

In [30]:
@as_op(itypes=[tt.fvector, tt.fvector, tt.fscalar], otypes=[tt.fmatrix])
def outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma):
    out = np.empty((mu.size, nYlevels4), dtype=np.float32)
    n = norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)       
    out[:,0] = n.cdf(theta[0])        
    out[:,1] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[1]) - n.cdf(theta[0])], axis=0)
    out[:,2] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[2]) - n.cdf(theta[1])], axis=0)
    out[:,3] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[3]) - n.cdf(theta[2])], axis=0)
    out[:,4] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[4]) - n.cdf(theta[3])], axis=0)
    out[:,5] = np.max([np.repeat(0,mu.size), n.cdf(theta[5]) - n.cdf(theta[4])], axis=0)
    out[:,6] = 1 - n.cdf(theta[5])
    return out

with pm.Model() as ordinal_model_multi_metric:    
    theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu=thresh4, tau=np.repeat(1/2**2, len(thresh4)),
                      shape=len(thresh4), observed=thresh_obs4)
    zbeta0 = pm.Normal('zbeta0', mu=(1+nYlevels4)/2, tau=1/nYlevels4**2)
    zbeta = pm.Normal('zbeta', mu=0.0, tau=1/nYlevels4**2, shape=X.shape[1])
    mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', zbeta0 +,zX.T.astype('float32')))
    zsigma = pm.Uniform('zsigma', nYlevels4/1000.0, nYlevels4*10.0)
    pr = outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, zsigma)
    y = pm.Categorical('y', pr,

%3 cluster4 4 cluster6 6 cluster2 2 cluster100 100 theta_missing theta_missing ~ NoDistribution theta theta ~ Normal theta_missing->theta y y ~ Categorical theta_missing->y zbeta0 zbeta0 ~ Normal mu mu ~ Deterministic zbeta0->mu zsigma zsigma ~ Uniform zsigma->y zbeta zbeta ~ Normal zbeta->mu mu->y

In [34]:
with ordinal_model_multi_metric:
    trace4 = pm.sample(3000, cores=4)

Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Initializing NUTS failed. Falling back to elementwise auto-assignment.
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
>Slice: [zsigma]
>Slice: [zbeta]
>Slice: [zbeta0]
>Slice: [theta_missing]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 14000/14000 [04:58<00:00, 46.83draws/s]
The number of effective samples is smaller than 10% for some parameters.

In [35]:

Figure 23.9

Equation 23.5 defines how the threshold lines are calculated. $$x_{2}=\bigg(\frac{\theta_{k}-\beta_{0}}{\beta_{2}}\bigg) + \bigg(\frac{-\beta_{1}}{\beta_{2}}\bigg) x_{1}$$ $x_{1}$: Year
$x_{2}$: Length

In [36]:
# Convert parameters to original scale
beta = trace4['zbeta']/sd_X.values
beta0 = trace4['zbeta0'] - np.sum(trace4['zbeta']*mean_X.values/sd_X.values, axis=1)
sigma = trace4['zsigma']

# Concatenate the fixed thresholds into the estimated thresholds
n = trace4['theta_missing'].shape[0]
thresholds4 = np.c_[np.tile([1.5], (n,1)),
                   np.tile([6.5], (n,1))]

# Define gridspec
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,14))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(6, 3)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[:4,:])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[4,0])
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[4,1])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[4,2])
ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[5,:])

for year, length, marker in zip(df4.Year, df4.Length, m: r'${}$'.format(m))):
    ax1.scatter(year, length, marker=marker, s=100, c='k')
ax1.set_xlabel('Year', fontdict=f_dict)
ax1.set_ylabel('Length', fontdict=f_dict)

# Plot three sets of thresholds
# Randomly selecting 3 steps from the trace
sample_size = 3
trace_idx = np.random.randint(0,high=len(trace4), size=sample_size)
# Different colors for each of the 3 steps
line_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']

x1_year = np.linspace(df4.Year.min()-5, df4.Year.max()+5)
# Looping over the three sample indexes and six thresholds simultaneously (3x6 matrix)
for i, k in np.ndindex(sample_size,thresholds4.shape[1]):
    idx = trace_idx[i]
    # Equation 23.5
    x2_length = (thresholds4[idx,k]-beta0[idx])/beta[idx,1]+(-beta[idx,0]/beta[idx,1])*x1_year
    ax1.plot(x1_year, x2_length, c=line_colors[i])

# Plot posteriors    
pm.plot_posterior(beta0, point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax2)
pm.plot_posterior(beta[:,0], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax3)
pm.plot_posterior(beta[:,1], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax4);
for title, label, ax in zip(['Intercept', 'Year', 'Length'],
                            [r'$\beta_{0}$', r'$\beta_{1}$', r'$\beta_{2}$'],
                            [ax2, ax3, ax4]):
    ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict)
    ax.set_xlabel(label, fontdict=f_dict)
# Posterior distribution on the thresholds
ax5.scatter(thresholds4, np.tile(thresholds4.mean(axis=1).reshape(-1,1), (1,6)), color=color, alpha=.6, facecolor='none')
ax5.set_ylabel('Mean Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax5.set_xlabel('Threshold', fontdict=f_dict)
ax5.vlines(x = thresholds4.mean(axis=0),
           ymax=thresholds4.mean(axis=1).max(), linestyles='dotted', colors=color)